Friday, September 11, 2020


 I really appreciate everyone who has reached out to me to offer to help.  I am completely overwhelmed and drowning in phone calls, emails, and therapy and specialists appointments. Lance is trying to help as much as possible, but he still has to work.  Here are some ways in which we could really use some help:

1.  I have someone working on this already, but if anyone has connections with someone at either the Brain Malformation Clinic in Boston (Specifically Dr. Poduri, but there are others familiar with PMG as well) or the Center for Integrative Brain Research in Seattle (Dr. Dobyns or Mirza) please let me know.  I would love a Telehealth consult or at least someone to look over Cora's MRI and give us more insight.  Our neurologist is great, but very unfamiliar with Cora's rare brain malformation and what it might mean.  I have her MRI scan on a CD I can mail and I have the report I can email (also an EEG if needed).

2. Our yard is a mess, I need a row of privacy trees planted and our garden beds weeded and mulched.  If someone could line up 3 estimates from landscapers I would be forever grateful (you can coordinate times with me, but we're pretty flexible). 

3. I really need some help researching best options for a new laptop for me.  I wasn't planning on buying one now, but I really need it for therapy appointments and research.  My Mac is 8 years old and really really slow.  I'm going to have to go with a PC because I don't want to invest in a Mac right now, but I want something that will last as long as possible.  I really don't need bells and whistles just something simple and somewhat affordable and long lasting.

4. Food is always welcome, though I know we're tricky with our gluten/dairy free diet. Encouraging texts and calls to check in with us have been so great and make us feel very loved and supported, so keep 'em coming.

In the future, I may need help researching options for different equipment/resources for Cora.  If that's something you'd be up for as needed please message me and I'll make a list so I know who I can contact! 

Also in the future, when we feel comfortable with playdates again I will definitely take ya'll up on your offers to watch my big kids.

Comments on my blog are for some reason coming up as anonymous, so if you don't want to be anonymous please contact me by phone or on facebook.  I don't have time to try and figure this out.

 Thank you all so so much!  


Penny Joyner said...
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Penny Joyner said... is an excellent website for gf and dairy free.